The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Separation of Powers

The raid of Congressman Jefferson's office in the Capitol was certainly disturbing. The FBI entering the inner sanctum of a Member of Congress, regardless of Party affiliation, is a serious breach of our constitutional separation of powers. Not even Duke Cunningham's or Tom DeLay's offices were searched in the course of those corruption investigations. There have been rumors for some time about a corruption probe against the Louisiana Congressman, but to raid his office is a serious encroachment of the Executive Branch against the Legislative branch of government.

With such a precedent who is to say the President cannot order the FBI to intimidate any Congressperson they please in order to "persuade" them to vote a certain way? This is a definite threat to the very basis of our democracy regardless of Mr. Jefferson's guilt or innocence. Or, should I say, another threat? President Bush has already rendered Congress as almost irrelevant with his 750 "signing statements" saying he'll only enforce the laws they've passed as he sees fit. He's already advanced the idea of a "unitary executive" who is above the law during times of war. He's already violated Federal laws against spying against American citizens and had Congress sheepishly bow down and agree to be bitch slapped again.

How long will this Do Nothing Congress acquiesce to the intrusions of this President against their constitutional powers and responsibilities before they rise up and say "We're an equal branch of government and you cannot continue marginalizing us!" Don't hold your breath folks. It's still a long way to November when we Democrats take back control of Congress and bitch slap President Bush back into reality.