The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Santorum Smear Backfires

Senator Rick Santorum's campaign, elated over an apparent coup, has egg on its face today. It seems they found a website endorsing their opponent and thought it was the Arab media company Al-Jazeerah. Tricky Ricky mentioned it on an episode of The O'Lielly Factor on the GOP News Network, broadcast by Fox. The only problem is that Ricky again failed failed to check his facts. This wasn't the Qatar based news network but a differently spelled organization based in Georgia.

This has been a recurring problem for the Senator. He frequently gets his facts completely wrong. Whether it's the bogus wmd's, man on dog sex, facts about stem cell research, privatization of Social Security or Terri Schaivo's health status, our man in Washington is a complete embarrassment. He can't get anything correct and the voters are fed up with his incompetence.