The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Swann Dives Off the Deep End Again

Republican Gubernatorial candidate Lynn Swann may be going as bat crazy as Rick Santorum. Well, maybe not THAT crazy. Did someone put acid in the somemeal at a recent GOP dinner? First Senator Man on Dog goes nuts over a story about his empty house in Penn Hills and now Lynn Swann accuses the Rendell campaign of intimidating potential donors by threatening their state contracts and grants if they did so.

Swann made this great leap during an interview with the Associated Press. I sure hope Swann can still receive because he sure knows how to dish it out. Offering no evidence (ala Santorum) or other substantiation for his claims, the former Steeler wide receiver dropped this pass. He's beginning to look like another nutjob.

The Rendell campaign responded thusly:

"If Lynn Swann has any evidence, he should report it to the authorities right now. If not, he ought to shut up," said the Rendell spokesman, Dan Fee.

He also stated he favors legal discrimination of an entire class of people, favors restricting women's reproductive rights, says he wants to cut corporate taxes by one third (guess who he'll transfer that revenue burden to????) and proposes a California-like failed Proposition 13 type tax freeze on property.

Who else do you think ate at that acid buffet? We have no shortage of crazy people running this year. Maybe Don Sherwood can use this as a defense to his attempted strangling of his mistress. Joe Pitts can say it's why he's against every possible investment in our communities. Curt Weldon sees Able Danger in every turban. Jim Gerlach has never seen corrupt money he couldn't take.