The Pennsylvania Progressive

The Pennsylvania Progressive discusses progressive politics, issues, and candidates with a particular emphasis on Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. We have moved so please click on a link below.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

PA-9 Tony Barr

As a continued follow-up to last week's election I'd like to take a moment and talk about the Ninth Congressional District. This area in southwestern Pennsylvania is home to imcumbent Bud Shuster. It is also home to Tony Barr who ran as a write-in candidate for the Democratic nomination. Tony had a lot of assistance from the Democracy for America chapter and received the required number of votes to qualify for the ballot.

Tony is a true progressive:

Balance the budget and end irresponsible tax cuts for the wealthiest
End the brain and labor drain and create solid American jobs that pay a
living wage.
Institute single-payer universal health care and support expanded
stem-cell research.
End the war in Iraq.
Develop a real plan for energy independence and sustainability.
Offer opportunities for affordable higher education to all Americans.
Protect choice for women and privacy rights for all citizens.
Protect the rights of hunters and homeowners.
Reform campaign financing and return our government to the people.

Though his website is a bit bare bones right now I'm sure your contributions to his campaign will change that. Please do what you can to assist this good candidate.