The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'd Like to Thank the Academy....

I am honored to find that I was recently quoted by Doctor Rick at The American Check-Up blog. Thank you. I feel so special. I’m sorry that the Doctor seems to think liberals are a bad thing. I don’t think conservatives are bad. Sometimes they are even right about things. I doubt they would be willing to say such a nice thing about we liberals.

Herr Doktor refers to me as encouraging our enemies. In this case, what he refers to, is that I was commenting on Iran’s likely reaction to economic sanctions being levied against them at the end of August if they fail to comply with the U.N. order to stop their nuclear program.

All I really did is point out what Iran, which is essentially surrounded by U.S. troops at the moment, might do because of this ultimatum. I think it’s rather logical that if somebody is threatening you with a big stick and you have pride and don’t want to be seen as weak (which is especially important in Islamic nations), you find a way to fight back…in other words…you might develop your own big stick and send the giant fickle finger of fate to your enemy. Guess which finger they’re likely to use?

Why aren’t we extending the Iran sanctions idea to other countries and imposing sanctions against North Korea who is FAR further along in their own nuclear program than Iran? Here’s a thought, maybe we’re leaving North Korea alone because we think (or we know) that IF we piss them off and IF they have a nuclear weapon, they might just be crazy enough to use the damn thing. Apparently we are only tough on countries that we know are weak and don’t yet have the “special” toys.

Nevertheless my admirer attributes to my line of thinking, the reason we are “still unearthing Saddam’s WMD’s”. I suppose if you're talking about the 10 year old degraded chemical munitions from the Iran-Iraq war that recently turned up, you would be technically correct. Except that the conservatives, while pointing to this discovery, and jumping up and down like teeny boppers catching a glimpse of their favorite rock star, consistently, and seemingly deliberately, ignore the fact the our OWN Pentagon says “these are not the WMD’s we went to war with Iraq over”. Much Ado About NOTHING!

As for my making fun of W’s pronunciation, I’m sorry but if you’re the PRESIDENT of the LARGEST ENGLISH SPEAKING NATION ON THE PLANET I don’t think it’s unreasonable of me to expect you to KNOW THE FUCKING LANGUAGE!!! If you have the ability to fire the damn things you should at least know how to say the word.

Of course, perhaps with George I am expecting too much.

After all, all the way back in 1988 Ann Richards said of George H W Bush (that’s the older one), “Poor George, he can't help it - he was born with a silver foot in his mouth’. Perhaps the old adage ‘like father like son’ is more true than we thought.

And finally, yes I called for Israel to back off. Hezbollah is NOT in the Beirut Airport why is Israel bombing it…does Hezbollah have a secret Air Force that nobody in the world knows about?

But I never “basically blamed” the war on the U.S., what I did way was “The U.S. is already being blamed for the offensive in Lebanon and we are not even involved in any direct action (at least I hope we're not).” For a doctor you should be more precise in your reading.

And my calling for peace is a hell of a lot more than Bush is doing at the moment. He just keeps repeating ‘Israel has the right to protect itself’ and ‘Hezbollah must return the soldiers’ and I admit, he’s right, but someone should change the tapes because I’m tired of hearing the same things come out of his speaker.

The 56 civilians (mostly women and children) killed in Qana were NOT Hezbollah. The ambulance whose red cross painted on the roof was used as a bulls eye for a bomb was not a military asset.

The last report I read says 450 Lebanese civilians have been killed, 25 Lebanese soldiers and 50 Hezbollah. What conclusions can one draw from those facts? One could say that the Israelis are really bad shots. One COULD say that.

The fact remains that, strategically speaking, if Hezbollah survives, they win. They will win on the popular front with Palestinians and in the larger Islamic world, they win on the propaganda front and they win strategically by making the Israelis look impotent. 23 days of fighting and still Hezbollah launched 200 rockets into Israeli territory today after firing 230 yesterday.

So yes Doctor I call for peace. And I do question our civility when for 4,000 year we’ve put up with and waged war on one another. Haven’t YOU had enough? I’m assuming that you’re a medical Doc there Doc. Maybe you’re an academic.

Have you been to a field hospital doc, because I have. I’ve seen men and women bleeding and battered. I’ve seen limbs hanging on by threads and men crying for their mothers with their last breathe. I’ve seen strong brave men begging for the doc not to cut off a leg or an arm. Trust me doc, the movies don’t even begin to do it justice. It smells and it’s sickening and it’s horrific and there’s nothing noble and glorious about it. It’s just hell Doc.

Have you seen that Doc? Is that what you want more of? Do you think those are the actions of a CIVILIZED people?
