Santorum Supporters Start Disturbance at Casey Event

This is why we call them Rethuglicans. Some Santorum supporters, all young men, crashed a Casey event in the Lehigh Valley and started a fight. As the Democratic candidate exited his bus they began to scuffle with Casey supporters and it appears to have gotten quite nasty. When you combine this with the incident last week at the Secretary of State's office it is disturbing. There a Rethug elbowed a Casey representative while officials were examining petitions for the Green Party candidate.
This also reminds me of Ray McGovern's tale about being elbowed in his solar plexus after asking Donald Rumsfeld why he lied about Saddam's wmd's at a speech in Atlanta. This tendency to physical violence and assaults is quite disturbing. Perhaps we need a few more union enforcers escorting Casey at events. If these kids supporting Tricky Ricky want to get into it I'm sure several burly union men can teach them some quick lessons in thuggery.
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