The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Political Desperation

The past few weeks we've seen the worst that American politics can be. The demagoguery put on by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rick Santorum and Donald Rumsfeld is unparalled in its desperation. The language they've used to demonize anyone who dares dissent is unprecedented. This is America, still. The oratorical depths to which they've sunk have donenothing but illustrate to the nation what truly awful people they are.

I have news George, the people are onto you. All you're doing now is digging yourself into a deeper hole. Every Nazi and World War reference is putting you further and further out on the lunatic fringe. Every new proposal to gut everything America stood for before you became President makes us more and more ashamed that you're in the White House.

Using the fifth anniversary of September 11th to further your political agenda was the last straw.

Have you no decency sir?