The Pennsylvania Progressive

The Pennsylvania Progressive discusses progressive politics, issues, and candidates with a particular emphasis on Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. We have moved so please click on a link below.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Vote With Your Dollars

People who know me will recognize this as one of my mantras. You can only cast your vote twice a year but you can vote with your dollars every day. The previous post about Scaife and the Coors family brought this to mind again. If you're a progressive why would you financially support businesses that fund right wing government and politics? You can vote with your dollars every day by deciding where to do business. Don't buy Coors beer for example. The Coors family uses their ownership of the brewing company to help fund The Heritage Foundation. Many of the regressive, extremist laws implemented by the Bush Administration came from there and the American Enterprise Institute.

If you don't like Richard Mellon Scaife don't do business with Mellon Bank. Sovereign Bank is headed by people who regularly contribute to Democrats. Pay attention to your local businesses and which ones post GOP signs each election cycle. Go elsewhere with your business.

Use this thread to cite other examples, both local and national.