The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Monday, June 26, 2006

Fourth of July Causing Fireworks Between States

The Fourth of July. Barbecues, baseball, picnics and fireworks. Most of us go to our local parks to watch the fireworks displays but today there were fireworks between Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The Garden State sued Pennsylvania companies over the sale of fireworks near their shared state line. It seems New Jersey has stronger laws against fireworks than PA. The Keystone State has a loophole which says retailers may sell rockets and other dangerous pyrotechnics as long as the purchasers are residents of other states. As a result numerous retailers have staked out choice locations along the PA-NJ border and are selling fireworks to New Jersey residents who intend to use them in violation of their state laws. So one state sued the other to stop the practice.

There have been several difficult conflicts of late between these two states. The disagreements involve gun laws, dredging of the Delaware River, and the building of liquid natural gas facilities. Gun sales in Pennsylvania due to very lax laws are fueling violence in both Philly and Camden. Why we should allow retailers to sell fireworks to New Jerseans so they can blow off their hands is stupid. Is it time for a Gubernatorial summit? Perhaps Ed Rendell and Jon Corzine need to have a talk over lunch. Maybe steak sandwiches at Pat's.

This isn't simply a border problem however. Every Pennsylvanian knows they can buy pretty much anything they want at one of the innumerable retail shops that set up in tents right before the Fourth. Simply ask them what else they have for sale and they'll open their trunks or the backs of their trucks for all sorts of goodies. This has been common knowledge for years.

Instead of wasting time on matters that simply pander to bigots the legislature should be taking care of actual needs like these matters.