The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Statewide Voter Lists Finally Affordable

Kudos to Stephanie Frank Singer who sued the Commonwealth over the prohibitive costs associated with purchasing the SURE voter registration data. State law requires that all public information be made available for only what it costs to be duplicated for distribution. The Secretary of State, however, was charging $20/county for the information. Now the entire state list is available for $20. It's only available in electronic format but who would want all that on paper?

This is progress. Some campaigns found the $1300 cost a bit too high for their budgets and some counties continue to charge exorbitant fees for their lists (especially Chester County). Campaigns needing only several county lists can purchase each county list for $20 apiece.

Ms. Singer owns a data mining company and was a volunteer for Chuck Pennacchio's Senate campaign.