The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Monday, July 03, 2006

What Happened to the War On Drugs?

As we learn that Afghanistan's warlords are enjoying their best year ever for poppy production (raw ingredient for heroin) I wonder where all those news stories went about drug busts. You recall them: "DEA Seizes 3 Tons of Heroin", "DEA Interdicts Cocaine Shipment", etc. When is the last time you saw one of these? Has President Bush shut down the war on drugs?

Meanwhile as the street price of heroin has been falling and more people have been using the drug gang violence in many of our cities is out of control and is adversely affecting the quality of life for thousands of Pennsylvanians. The bumper crops in Afghanistan each of the last several years (ever since we took over there) are very disturbing considering the effect it's having on our streets. The fact is we have no control of much of anything in Afghanistan and the warlords who control that country are without any controls. The U.S. is obviously not doing anything to interfere with their business (selling poppies) in return for their not supporting the Taliban. What other conclusion can you make?

Meanwhile what is or isn't happening in the Caribbean basin? Why the dearth of news about drug busts? Is the DEA still around? If so what the heck are they doing?