The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hate in the Heartland

Dateline: Meade Kansas.

J.R. Knight and his good lady wife were set upon by members of the Phelps clan from the gay-hating Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka. The Phelps' were protesting the Knights flying a rainbow flag their 12 year old son had given them. Neither the son nor the Knights knew of the flag's significance until a local paper ran a front page story

The Knights have had bricks thrown at their business and have already suffered a broken window and sign. The flag was also cut down but a local parent in Meade took his sons, who were responsible, to the Meades and made them fess up and apologize. Nice to see some parents are still doing a good job of parenting.

The Phelps also set upon 5 local churches in Meade whom they said were not doing enough in the fight against gays.

Meanwhile Mr. & Mrs. Meade say they flew the flag because it was bright and colorful and summery. Their son gave them the flag becasue he said it reminded him of the movie 'The Wizard of Oz', set, as you may recall, in Kansas. Since the small town controversy has erupted the Knights have gone on record as saying that they will keep the flag flying because they want people to know they don't discriminate.

Locals in Meade turned out this weekend to view the anti-gay spectacle. Many shaking their heads at the sight of Phelps' daughter with 10 of her 11 children in tow, all carrying hate-filled anti-gay pickets and signs.

One local remarked that she thought it was terrible to teach children to hate at such a young age and suggested that the State of Kansas should take the children away from the Phelps' daughter.

When all is said and done, the Knights' and the good people of Meade have withstood the display of hatred and bigotry and have seen it for what it is. It appears they do not like what they have seen.

And so I Thank the Knights for what has turned out to be a brave stand and I Thank the people of Meade Kansas for supporting them and the American way of life.
