Random Thoughts
As Raven reported my "reliable" Verizon DSL is out again, this time for a few days it seems. A minor power outage seems to have fried something. Well, something more than just my patience with Verizon. In over 18 months on their dsl service these problems have been all too common. It takes five minutes (it seems) to navigate their awful voice recognition voice mail until you get to a person. By then you just want to strangle someone. Then, after 45 minutes of burned cell minutes, it occurs to them to do a line check. Bingo, there's a problem on their end.
I already know the basics: reboot the desktop, power on/off the dsl modem, check cables. This usually works. Nada yesterday. They say they'll call today and schedule a technician to visit tomorrow to fix the problem. I'm not happy with that level of service, especially with the blog to manage and write.
Thank goodness for laptops and wireless hotspots. Of course sitting in a parking lot outside a hotel so I can tap into the car for power isn't the ideal setup. It does work though. I'll probably head up to Kutztown this afternoon where I can sit in the Kutztown Democratic Club office and tap into the town's Main Street wifi network.
As for that big news story of the past week: it wasn't. It turns that JonBenet's killer wasn't. Just some whacked out wannabe. How much cable news time was devoted to this non-story? It was almost non-stop coverage for a few days. I didn't watch any after seeing his ex say he was home that Christmas. Ex'es aren't known for sticking up for each other so that had a lot of creedance. It didn't seem plausible that he even knew this girl or could have flown from Atlanta to Denver in the timeframe involved.
Meanwhile we didn't hear much about the REAL news. The federal judge's decision on the NSA wiretaps, the continuing carnage in Iraq, the incumbent GOP Governor of Alaska who came in third in the primary election, the GOP Governor of Kentucky plea bargaining out of criminal charges of patronage, etc. No JonBenet was more important than all the real news. Reporters and pundits panning others' speculation while they dealt in rampant speculation themselves. What a media circus.
I already know the basics: reboot the desktop, power on/off the dsl modem, check cables. This usually works. Nada yesterday. They say they'll call today and schedule a technician to visit tomorrow to fix the problem. I'm not happy with that level of service, especially with the blog to manage and write.
Thank goodness for laptops and wireless hotspots. Of course sitting in a parking lot outside a hotel so I can tap into the car for power isn't the ideal setup. It does work though. I'll probably head up to Kutztown this afternoon where I can sit in the Kutztown Democratic Club office and tap into the town's Main Street wifi network.
As for that big news story of the past week: it wasn't. It turns that JonBenet's killer wasn't. Just some whacked out wannabe. How much cable news time was devoted to this non-story? It was almost non-stop coverage for a few days. I didn't watch any after seeing his ex say he was home that Christmas. Ex'es aren't known for sticking up for each other so that had a lot of creedance. It didn't seem plausible that he even knew this girl or could have flown from Atlanta to Denver in the timeframe involved.
Meanwhile we didn't hear much about the REAL news. The federal judge's decision on the NSA wiretaps, the continuing carnage in Iraq, the incumbent GOP Governor of Alaska who came in third in the primary election, the GOP Governor of Kentucky plea bargaining out of criminal charges of patronage, etc. No JonBenet was more important than all the real news. Reporters and pundits panning others' speculation while they dealt in rampant speculation themselves. What a media circus.
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