The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Monday, September 04, 2006

Al Qaeda Number 2 Caught---Again

Exactly how many number 2 leaders does Al Qaeda have anyway? We keep catching them but conditions continue getting worse. Heck we even got Al Zarwari and things got worse. Meanwhile Osama and Mullah Omar continue walking around the mountains as free men.

Let's take a look at what's happened in Iraq. We invaded the country and toppled its government. We then disbanded the army and sent all the soldiers home with their guns but no jobs. We sent our own companies and contractors in to rebuild and refused to hire the locals. Hmm, not being very happy anyway with a foreign power occupying their country, with no water, electricity or jobs, they began fighting back.

As things got worse more and more Iraqis joined the insurgents. The violence kept increasing and increasing. As the security situation went very bad they lost complete confidence in the American occupation and more people joined the insurgency. As Sunnis were shut out of the new government they began attacking the Shia. Now the Shias are fighting back.

Instead of simply fighting the insurgents we now have two insurgencies fighting each other. One group of Iraqis (Sunnis) is now fighting another (Shia). That's what's called civil war. The violence, especially in Baghdad is completely out of control. Hundreds of Iraqis are being summarily executed every month.

Rick Santorum thinks this is all Iran's fault. I suppose George Bush's latest excuse is "Ahmanadinejad made me do it." Santorum and Bush aren't responsible for any of the chaos, death and destruction in Iraq. It's Iran. It's funny but many Middle Eastern experts predicted Iran would take advantage of an unstable Iraq to increase their influence there. It wasn't even very difficult to predict. A power vacuum always attracts those willing to fill the void. Seeing how Iran can't afford a powerful American military presence on both their eastern AND western borders, we left them no choice. They had to intervene, especially when we utterly failed to stabilize Iraq.

Let's not abandon the responsibility and blame for what we did. We created this mess and we're responsible for it, not Iran. The bad part is it's gotten so bad we cannot fix it. That won't happen until we leave, turn it over to NATO or an international coalition, and simply write the checks as reparations. The longer we remain in Iraq the worse conditions are. The only sane solution is to leave.