The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Scary Democrats?

I read an article in today's Philadelphia Inquirer about the Republican's new strategy to divert voters attention from the weekly scandals, rampant corruption, and total incompetence of their leadership. Their new weapon is to strike fear into the hearts of Americans by the specter of "Scary Democrats." If you elect Democrats, they say, Congress will begin investigating the President, Vice-President and other Administration figures. Rep. John Conyers will be House Judiciary Chair and will run amok with his subpoena power.

Wow. I'm really scared. Congressional oversight. Accountability. Taking personal responsibility for the consequences of one's actions. Hey, didn't that last one used to be a hallmark of conservative beliefs? What really scary concepts. Scary Democrats with subpoena power to discover exactly what the NSA has been doing to eviscerate privacy rights and shred our constitution? Investigative powers to determine exactly how many tens of millions Halliburton has scammed from American taxpayers?

Does the idea of an investigation into how the White House manipulated intelligence and created a media propaganda campaign to convince Americans that Saddam had WMD's and attacked us on September 11th make sense? Shouldn't we find out if George W. Bush and Dick Cheney intentionally lied us into an illegal war?

Lies don't get bigger than that. Monstrous lies. Lies that have wrought death and destruction on an entire nation and brought untold grief to millions of people. But those Scary Democrats want answers. Don't vote for them because they might get to the truth and hold Republicans accountable.

If we can't hold investigations into issues like these we no longer have a democracy. The question is why the Republicans in charge of Congress haven't done this yet. Americans deserve to know the facts. Let the chips fall where they may. The issues are too monstrous and tragic to ignore. Yes, it may get very scary. I suspect so. But who is responsible for that? Those who committed the monstrous deeds or those holding them accountable?

Here's what I find scary. The Republicans in Congress issued over 100 subpoenas on the Clinton Administration. They've issued less than ten since W took office. What scares me is NO oversight. No accountability. No answers to the monumental questions Americans need answers for.

Let's begin with one simple questiona nd answer from Bush. George, please meet with Cindy Sheehan and tell her for what "noble cause" her son died for in Iraq. We can't begin the healing until we address the wounds. This country has some deep wounds.

Scary Democrats?