The Pennsylvania Progressive

The Pennsylvania Progressive discusses progressive politics, issues, and candidates with a particular emphasis on Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. We have moved so please click on a link below.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Minimum Wage Vote Today

The Pennsylvania State Senate is to vote today on the minimum wage bill. $7.15 and nothing in between! This arte only makes up for the loss in purchasing power from inflation the past nine years. In reality it doesn't even give the working poor a raise. It simply gets them back where they were in 1997.

This is a moral issue: no American working full time should be living in poverty.

This is also an immigration issue: if these jobs paid a decent wage Americans will do them. Immigrants are flooding over our border to perform these jobs because the wages for them are so abysmal. Let's help secure our borders by raising these wages.

Even Sen. Santorum argues for increased wages in his book "It Takes a Family." He is quoted:

"In far too many families with young children, both parents are working, when, if they really took an honest look at the budget, they might find they don't both need to."

The only way for one parent to support a family is by making a living wage. In these times this is the only way one parent is going to balance their family budget.