The Pennsylvania Progressive

The Pennsylvania Progressive discusses progressive politics, issues, and candidates with a particular emphasis on Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. We have moved so please click on a link below.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Research

President Bush cast his first veto as President today nullifying the embryonic stem cell research bill passed by Congress yesterday. This is just the first bit of legislation passed under his five+ years in office that the man felt so strongly against as to cast a veto. None of the huge pork barrel spending programs, the bridges to nowhere, the programs that didn't properly build the levees in New Orleans pre-Katrina, the bankruptcy bill, ad nauseum. He chose to veto stem cell research. Remember this come November. Cast your votes this year based on what Bush has done and whether your member of Congress has been a Bush loyalist or not. Do this for everyone you know who could benefit from the promise of this research. Cast your vote for Aunt Barbara who has Parkinson's, Uncle Zeb with diabetes, your cousin paralyzed from that auto accident, the neighbor you adore who came down with alzheimer's.

Remember this on election day and cast your own veto against Joe Pitts, Rick Santorum, Jim Gerlach, Melissa Hart, Don Sherwood, et al.