Franklin County Democrats Have Successful Picnic

Scotland – More than 100 area Democrats gathered at Scotland Memorial Park on Saturday to meet local candidates and representatives from statewide campaigns, listen to live music and learn more about the local political scene at the Franklin County Democratic Party’s annual Picnic and Family Fun Day.
“It’s great to see so many of our members and volunteers here today, and of course the event would not be possible without their efforts,” said Party Chairwoman Beth Shupp-George, “but I’m especially pleased to see so many new faces.”
“This event is a great way to reach out to our neighbors who support the Democratic Party’s ideals, and to invite to get personally involved,” she said. “It gives people a chance to socialize with other like-minded people, while learning more about the Democratic Party, in a fun, casual atmosphere.”
“Events like this encourage more people to become active, and are one of the ways in which we’re growing the Democratic Party here in Franklin County.”
Candidates Tony Barr, who is running for Congress, and Andrew Alosi and Patrick Naugle, who are running for State Representative, mingled with guests, signed up volunteers for their campaigns, and “rallied the troops” with their stump speeches.
The Rendell-Knoll reelection campaign was represented by Lance Simmens, Special Assistant to the Governor for Intergovernmental Affairs, and Jeff Coyne, campaign manager for Lt. Governor Catherine Baker Knoll. Gen. Gerald T. Sajer, of Adams County, spoke on behalf of Bob Casey, candidate for US Senate.
Local elected officials attending the picnic included County Commissioner Cheryl Plummer, Jury Commissioner and former Franklin County Democratic Party Chairman Bill Butts, Shippensburg Mayor and former Franklin County Democratic Party Chairman Bruce Hockersmith, Chambersburg Borough Council Members Janet Lukic (2nd Ward) and Heath Talhelm (5th Ward).
Bailey Childers, the DNC Regional Field Organizer for Central Pennsylvania spoke on behalf of the DNC and the Pennsylvania Democratic Party.
Several members of the Franklin County Democratic Committee, and a number of other volunteers, helped to staff the event. Two other former County Chairmen, Don Richards and Rowe Byers, also a former Jury Commissioner, were also in attendance.
Entertainment was provided by acoustic folk duo Watermelon Sugar, which features the harmonies of Gettysburg natives Hypatia Kingsley and Louise Bendall. (
The event also featured a raffle and yard sale, as well as informational booths and speakers from a variety of local groups, including the Democratic Women’s Club of Franklin County, Franklin County Young Democrats, Fulton-Franklin Democratic Club, Greencastle-Antrim Democratic Club, Shippensburg Democrats, Capital Region Stonewall Democrats, Citizens for a Quality Environment and Earth Rights Institute.
To volunteer or learn more about the Franklin County Democratic Party, please visit
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