Casey Caravan Finally Reaches Berks County

After seventeen months as a candidate Bob Casey finally found Berks County this afternoon. His bus rolled into Muhlenberg Township to a crowd of about fifty people plus press. Introduced by old friend Senator Mike O'Pake, he launched into a litany of why Tricky Ricky is bad for Pennsylvania. He reminded everyone why the Canine Casanova (hat tip to Mike for that one) needs to go home to Virginia, hitting on minimum wage, oil money, Social Security, and the Medicare prescription drug giveaway.
He stayed away from the tough issues, like women's reproductive rights, equal rights, gun safety, stem cell research, the death penalty and others. He did mention the war but, again, backed off from calling for a redeployment of forces out of Iraq. He says he'll "ask the tough questions" that Santorum isn't asking. Ummm, we know what those questions are Bob, we've been asking them regularly. We don't need someone else to ask them we need someone to DO SOMETHING about them.
The crowd was sparse but I think that was more due to ineffective communications. I never did get an email about the event and I suspect many others also didn't (judging by the attendance). Several people told me the Casey people said they had to be conservative about handing out stickers for supporters to wear because they couldn't afford them. What? What is this with all the poormouthing? Is this campaign financially solvent? This is a terrible message to be putting out there.
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