The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Argall Continues Campaigning on Taxpayer Dimes

Dave Argall still doesn't understand how bad this looks. Of course he didn't comprehend the entire pay raise fiasco either. He's another clueless Republican drowning in his hubris. The state representative fromt he 124th has been hosting a series of constituent breakfast at taxpayer expense. Supposedly NOT campaign related, you're paying for these folks. How stupid does he think we are? Of course these are political. How many of these did he host last December and January?

From Bill Mackey's campaign:

Bill Mackey, 124th State House Candidate, will be in Lenhartsville on Saturday-August 19th meeting & greeting invited guests to a taxpayer-funded breakfast being held by his opponent, Rep. Dave Argall. Mackey and the Pension Piglet will be setup outside Dietsch Eck Restaurant at the intersection of Rt. 143 and Old Rte 22 at 7:45am.

While Mackey and his supporters will be there at their own expense, Argall is typically joined by up to 3 state employees from his constituent offices and continues to use taxpayer funds to reach the voters. The Argall breakfast begins at 8:15am.