Lois Herr Opens Campaign Office

The Herr for Change campaign opened its office in downtown Lancaster Friday evening with about 50 people in attendance. Located at 151 N. Queen Street, Lois is right in the middle of downtown. Michelle Vaughn, Chair of the Chester County Dems and Barb Humphrey, Vice Chair of the Lancaster Dems were on hand. No one from the Berks County Democrats seemed able to make the short journey.
Greg Paulson, campaign coordinator, spoke first and introduced an indictment against incumbent Congressman Joseph Pitts. Accusing Pitts of being out of touch, aloof, and nothing more than a stooge for George W. Bush and Tom DeLay, Paulson listed a whole host of issues the leader of the GOP's Moral Values Team has been immoral about, from the war, to Social Security, healthcare, and education.
Lois spoke about her positive agenda for the 16th District, the great team she's put together, and showed the characteristics which will make her a great member of Congress.
I saw many folks from the Lancaster area whom I'd gotten to know in 2004 when I worked on Lois' campaign and it felt good to be back in Lancaster for the evening. Lancaster is a vibrant, interesting city and you're missing much if you travel to Amish country and don't include the City.
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