Reading Crime Forum

Hundreds of Reading residents filled City Hall last evening to address crime issues. Many city and county officials were in attendance, along with the President Judge, police chiefs, and other officials. Interestingly District Attorney Mark Baldwin didn't manage to be there. So many people arrived they couldn't fit into the room. As residents spoke and left new ones were allowed into the room.
As many as did attend Councilman Jeff Waltman observed there should have been 1,000 more they couldn't accomodate. Of a city of 80,000 getting 250 to respond after a police officer is gunned down says something about the level of apathy. That issue was addressed by a number of residents in their comments. Many called for the community to rise up and take control of their neighborhoods.
Many seem to believe that all the problems can be solved by adding more police. This perspective seems to be part of the problem. In fact there were many people there simply to bitch and moan about the lack of police follow up, response, and attitudes. I was amazed at the amount of police bashing that went on considering the circumstances. That alone says quite a bit.
Until the community decides to be a community, until each resident begins to accept responsibility for their neighborhood, nothing will appreciably improve. Government can only do so much, at some point those living there must muster the courage to call Crime Watch and report criminals.
Other speakers demanded zero tolerance policies and additional codes enforcement. Some even said they'd accept higher taxes if that results in lower violent crime rates. I wonder how those demanding zero tolerance think we'll pay for the prison space. If you incarcerate every petty criminal we'd need a massive new prison. I'd bet these would be the same citizens screaming about their taxes. Government can only do so much.
I know most of the elected officials who attended this forum. I know how dedicated most of them to be, how hard they work to improve conditions. I also hear the constant outcry in Berks County about taxes. Protesting about taxes has become the local pasttime for many people. Pressure to keep taxes at current levels is intense. That means cutting programs and services. It means making tough decisions in budgets.
Where are all these concerned citizens when these decisions are being made? The only thing that motivates them to get involved is a tragedy, then they demand answers that don't always exist. After the furor they disappear once more until the next tragedy.
Citizens must remain more involved if they really want change. One speaker said there should be more meetings such as the last yesterday. I disagree. There are already enough meetings the public completely ignores. There already are meetings every week of City Council and the County Commissioners. Three a week should be sufficient.
There are a lot of questions and, I'm afraid, not many answers. I'd begin by saying get involved, in your neighborhoods and your communities.
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