The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Diana Irey Supports Torture

The extreme right wing Republican ideologue running against John Murtha in the 12th Congressional District supports torture according to her NPAT questionaire. Here is the statement at Project Vote Smart:

Do you support the prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of prisoners in U.S. custody?

Her answer: NO

So Diana Irey supports the use of water boarding, inhumane pain and suffering, religious heresy or any other actions in violation of our international treaty obligations and in violation of the Geneva Conventions. In so doing she also supports the use of torture against our own soldiers. We outlaw these barbarous practices so they won't be used against our troops. Mrs. Iraey's support of them undermines our own troops.

Diana Irey therefore doesn't support our troops.