The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Santorum and Social Security Revisited

We covered some of this issue before but last Sunday's debate illustrated that Tricky Ricky's intense vulnerability on the issue has escaped his Democratic challenger. When Tim Russert brought the issue into the debate Santorum trotted out his Wall Street giveaway privatization scheme to destroy the program. Wow, how do you neglect to wreck this guy on this issue? He wants to destroy one of the most effective programs we're ever insituted.

There is no "crisis" for Social Security unless you run the numbers to infinity. This is how Bush and Santorum create their "crisis." You can make anything appear to be a crisis if you insist on financing it forever. This is fuzzy math if I've ever seen it. The shortfall in revenues can be solved by lifting the $90,000 cap on taxes and by paying people a living wage.

CEO's earning $20 million a year still only pay Social Security (FICA) tax on the first $90,000 of that income. Why shouldn't these greedy corporate bastards running the likes of ExxonMobil, BP, Shell and other suffering firms pay tax on their entire earnings? Why should you have to risk your retirement and pay gargantuan commissions to Wall Street brokers so they can enjoy a fourth vacation home somewhere instead of doing their civic duty?

The question I had while watching Russert and Santorum turn on Mr. Casey was how the heck did he lose THIS argument? This one's a no brainer and an issue on which his opponent is extremely vulnerable. As soon as Silent Bob opened his jaw and said "we'd grow our way out of it economically" he was shark bait and the others pounced.

Like many others I was skeptical when the Casey team said they hadn't done any debate preparation. It's unheard of not to review key issues, anticipate the positions and strategies your opponent will undertake, and understand how you'll respond to certain questions and situations. The debate made it obvious they had not done any preparation. That was inexcusable and it hurt the candidate.

Either learn the issues and actually take some positions Bob or allow us to get a real candidate to stand against Santorum. Oh, and you might try doing some preparation before October 13th.