The Pennsylvania Progressive

The Pennsylvania Progressive discusses progressive politics, issues, and candidates with a particular emphasis on Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. We have moved so please click on a link below.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Max Cleland to Headline Murtha Rally

I know Congressman Jack Murtha isn't a progressive. He has been a staunch advocate against the illegal war in Iraq however. As such he has been the recipient of countless attacks from the Republican right wingers trying to destroy him and his credibility. These "swift boat" type attacks are beginning to backfire on the GOP as voters get fed up with the war mongering politics of personal destruction tactics of the Republican Party.

Max Cleland, a highly decorated veteran of Vietnam and former Senator who was viciously swift boated himself by Karl Rove, Saxby Chambliss, and the GOP, is working very hard for fellow Democratic veterans running for office this year. He has already appeared at events for Joe Sestak, Paul Lang, and Patrick Murphy. Now he is coming to Johnstown on September 30th for a rally in support of Congressman Murtha. Here are the details:

The rally is from 11 am to 2 pm

If you are coming to Johnstown and plan on staying overnight, special rates will be offered at the Johnstown Holiday Inn, 250 Market Street. Phone number is (814) 535-7777. Please mention ‘Veterans for Murtha' to receive the special rate of $79.99/night.

See for further information


Johnstown's Central Park
Main Street and Franklin Street
Johnstown, 15901