The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Bush Seeking Wiretapping Authority

I suppose the fact he's asking that his warrantless eavesdropping program be made legal is admitting he's been breaking the law and violating his oath of office.....

Let's remember a few things:

The rule of law is the basis for our democracy.

Violating the law is a criminal act.

The Brisitsh cracked their terrorist cabal recently with legal, warranted wiretaps. The illegal Bush program wasn't used: those taps were done in accordance with the law, regardless of what idiots like Rick Santorum claim on national television.

What else is Bush doing we don't even know about yet? Alberto Gonzales all but said there were other secret programs in Congressional testimony.

I don't trust George Bush with my freedoms and liberties.

Folks we don't live in Kansas anymore, as Dorothy would say. Let's all count to three, click our heels and repeat:

I don't live in a police state.
I don't live in a police state.
I don't live in a police state.

Hopefully that will return us to a pre-Bush era when we were actually free from having the government in our homes, phone calls, emails, and bedrooms.