The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

World War III and the Rapture

George W. Bush said this in response to a question last June:

"I believe that. I believe that it was the first counter-attack to World War III.

The question regarded the actions of the passengers on Flight 93 over Somerset County on September 11th. There's been a lot of talk recently, including that quote from the President, about our being in World War III. The Rapturous Right is anxious for and working actively toward, creating a new world war. They believe they can trigger armageddon and the rapture by inciting this war.

I've had a sinking feeling ever since Bush took office that his primary agenda as President was to oversee armageddon and the rapture. I've said this to many people since he was inaugurated. It's the only rational way to explain much of what he's done. Escaping this explanation he would have to be a madman.

In researching this latest rhetoric from the Right about World War III I came across an interesting CNN article from November 15, 2002. In it Donald Rumsfeld assures everyone that invading Iraq WILL NOT trigger a new world war:

"I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that," he said in an hour-long radio interview for Infinity Broadcasting.

"It won't be a World War III," he added, citing the "vastly more powerful" U.S. forces, compared to 10 years ago during the Persian Gulf War.

Sen. Hillary Clinton recently accused Rummy of being overly optimistic about his assessments of war in Iraq. He vehemently denied them (though I found many, many examples). Was Rumsfeld and this Administration lying in 2002 or are they lying now? It sure sounds to me as if they passionately want a World War III. They're doing everything they can to cause one. Their supporters are actively calling for one and making plans for the rapture.

I have a hunch about this rapture and what might happen should it ever transpire. I suspect those who think they'll be saved won't. I suspect the Lord will find them arrogant, greedy and presumptuous. I think anyone guilty of so much war, death and destruction in their own spiritual pursuit would be damned to hell.