The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

American Taliban

I can’t help notice the recent statements by our own American Taliban wannabe, Katherine Harris of Florida. Ms. Harris is quoted as saying:

Separation of church and state is “a lie we have been told,” Harris said in
the interview, published Thursday, saying separating religion and politics is
“wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers.”

If you’re not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to
legislate sin”

Later her campaign backpedaled wildly trying to explain that she had been “speaking to a Christian audience, addressing a common misperception that people of faith should not be actively involved in government.”

Is it me or are we seeing lots of these gaffs lately? I’m starting to think that these are not gaffs at all.

It seems to me that Ms. Harris and other candidates like her believe that this country should be a country ruled by religion. Ms. Harris, the word for that is Theocracy. I know you’re educated and all but it’s a word you may not be familiar with. Let me give you some examples of modern day Theocracies: Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan (under the Taliban), Iran, Yemen.

Do we recognize these countries? Saudi Arabia supplied most of the 9/11 hijackers, Afghanistan (under the Taliban) was the home of the Mr. bin Laden. Iran, more correctly The Islamic Republic of Iran, not exactly known for their friendliness to us since they overthrew our puppet the Shah. And finally Yemen, the sight of the bombing on the USS Cole.

Yes, there are, in fairness, other more innocuous Theocracies or quasi-Theocratic states. The two most well known would be Norway, where the head of state is also the head of the church and, of course, England, where the monarch is also the head the Church of England ever since Henry VIII when he kicked out the Pope and established his own church. Frankly, I think the kicking out the Pope part was a good move at least. Establishing his own church...not so much.

Anyway, back to Ms. Harris and her ilk. The point, my dear readers, is that I think these statements are not gaffs or mistakes. It seems that this is how these candidates really feel. I can’t help wonder why Ms. Harris wants to create a Theocracy here in our good ole U.S. of A.

I take great offense to that notion and it strikes my as wholly un-American to say ‘Separation of church and state is “a lie we have been told’. Separation of church and state is a basic tenet of our Constitution. Has Ms. Harris not read our Constitution? Did she not take an oath to support and defend it?

And as for the comment that ‘God chooses our rulers’ Ms. Harris on crack? I thought the voters did that? I’m sure that Ms. Harris doesn’t want the voters to have that choice. I think the results of the 2000 election in Florida might have a great deal to do with her “God Chooses” philosophy. Maybe those results were that way they were because SHE chose the way she thought God wanted the election to come out. After all, Florida was the focus with their hanging chads and pregnant chads and allegations of voter intimidation and Ms. Harris was the Secretary of State and the head of the Elections and the Bush “go to gal” in Florida all at the same time.

Frankly, Florida stunk in the 2000 election and they knew it. George’s brother being the governor and all, made a lot of eyebrows go up with all the irregularities. So much so that they went out of their way to make sure they didn’t stink in the 2004 election.

And, just for the sake of argument, which religion are we to make the official religion of the USA? Why I’d bet it’ll be Fundamentalist Christianity? What will that lead to? Public comdemnations? People losing their jobs? Flogging? Stoning? Shunning? Banishment? Will gay folk be beheaded the way they are in Saudi Arabia? Will Muslims and Jews be exiled and deported from the country. Will “lesser peoples” be forced into bondage and slavery? Where these not all acceptable practices in the Bible?

Watch carefully, dear readers, these overly religious people who run for office. Do not trust them. Unless you are on the same team as them, you will eventually become their target.

Practicing your religion is fine. Believing as you choose to believe is fine. Both of these things are valued tenets of our founding law. Forcing your belief down everybody else’s throat is NOT part of that tenet. Don’t let it become that way.

Thanks for listening while you still are allowed.
