The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Monday, September 18, 2006

John Murtha Speaks Out Again

These are excerpts from an email written by Congressman Jack Murtha on behalf of the DCCC. I'm not a big fan of the D Triple C-I think they screw up campaigns more than they help them- but these are to the point and I want to get them out there.


Jack Murtha
Member of Congress, Pennsylvania's 12th District

I'm not too sure what these Republicans are trying to accomplish with all
their attacks:

• The Republican Leader in the House says, "I listen to my Democrats
friends, and I wonder if they are more interested in protecting the terrorists
than protecting the American people."

• Dick Cheney says on national television that anybody who questions
him is emboldening the enemy.

• Donald Rumsfeld compares anyone who questions their "stay the
course" strategy to Nazi appeasers.

Give me a break. Let there be no doubt that Democrats are united behind the
fight against terrorism. Democrats are united behind our
troops. And Democrats are united behind a strong America. But
as far as Iraq goes, the truth is that the American people have been way out
ahead of the Bush Administration. Sixty percent of the American
people disagree with the direction in Iraq because nobody is being held
accountable and we're not making any progress.

I've never been one to go out front and lead the charge in the elections --
but I learned that these Republicans in charge right now couldn't care less
about getting it right in Iraq. They're not interested in what I or
anybody else has to say. While all Americans know that terrorism is a
serious threat worth fighting against, the Bush Administration tries to confuse
the Iraq War with the larger war on terrorism and continues to fight a war of
rhetoric and political slogans instead of one of action.

We can't fly blind like this anymore -- as long as Republicans are in
charge, they're just going to keep playing politics instead of doing what needs
to be done for the American people. And that's why we need a new
direction in this nation and new direction in Congress.

These Republicans want to convince the public that they're "strong" and
Democrats are "weak" -- it doesn't take strength to sit on your backside in an
air-conditioned office, pound your chest and insist that our young men and women
on the ground "stay the course" in Iraq.