The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Triggering Armageddon?

Is the new Pope an idiot or a warmongerer? His statements inflaming the Muslim community and his refusal to retract them and apologize may trigger new conflicts. A nun was murdered in Africa and leaders of Islam are calling for a jihad against Christians. The Pope is now trying to weasel out of his comments by attributing them to a 14th century scribe. If he didn't mean to say these words he shouldn't have. Someone did quite a bit of research to find this old document for use in this speech. The Pope used those words intentionally and must retract them and apologize.

Between the idiot in the White House calling for a crusade in the Middle East and now the Vatican, of course Muslims are beginning to frame this entire war as one between Christians and Muslims. One must wonder if this was intentional and planned. The Oval Office and the Vatican have been very close. Woe is us. God said no man would know when the end times would come. I fear the arrogance, hubris, and consequences of those men who seek to trigger this themselves.