The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

"Bring It On"

El Presidente Bush finally acknowledged, in a press briefing with Tony Blair last week, that mistakes and errors were made in Iraq. He mentioned his challenge to the insurgents to "bring it on" (click here to listen to the clip) and that he wanted Saddam "dead or alive" as things he regrets saying. Heck, we regretted him saying those things as soon as they left his besotted brain. Any fool could predict they were reckless words he'd live to regret uttering. Now he does. Breaking news! Bush finally admits making mistakes in Iraq!

The self proclaimed Unitary President also said the torture at Abu Ghraib prison was the biggest mistake. He doesn't think the insane lack of planning before the invasion or the disbanding of the Iraqi army were the biggest mistakes? He doesn't think the decisions not to send more troops to quell the rising rebellion to our occupation were was worse? This only confirms to me he only regrets having gotten caught.

Regardless, his attrition is only due to his precipitously falling approval ratings. Saying this now after denying having made any significant mistakes during a debate in the 2004 election shows he was either lying then or trying to pander to voters now. Republicans are in deep political trouble so Bush (actually Rove) thinks admitting to some culpability now might mitigate the damage.

I might be better able to assign some genuineness to his admission if we weren't seeing the same sabre rattling, "selling the war," and refusal to engage in diplomacy toward Iran that we saw in the prelude to the Iraq fiasco. Watching repeated protestations that Iran is developing weapons of mass destruction, refusing to respond to diplomatic overtures, and rumors he is considering using American nuclear weapons in a first strike against another country give me a sense of deja vu.

Didn't we go through a lot of this just a few years ago? Didn't that ruin our credibility throughout the world? Didn't it ostracize us from the rest of the world, cost untold numbers of lives, destroy hundreds of thousands of others, and destroy a somewhat functioning country? Didn't the law of unintended consequences kick us in the butt repeatedly?

The bottom line is no one believes anything George W. Bush says. This is the worst result of his misguided foreign policy. A genuine security threat could exist and no one would believe it. We all remember the story of chicken little. You can't keep going around saying the sky is falling. The only thing falling is Bush's evaluations.

Worst. President. Ever.

I'm sorry but I don't accept his attrition. I've watched Georgie the frat boy grinning and joking about very serious matters, in response to very serious questions, in too many very serious situations to EVER take him seriously.

The voters will have their say about all this in November. Working the polls on election day I heard comments from many citizens. A lot of them expressed dismay for the future of our nation. Many Republicans said they were ashamed to be members of that Grand Old Party. They will come to the polls later this year and give Republicans their just due. I say bring it on.