The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power

The above is the title of a book by Joseph Margulies. The author was interviewed on WHYY's Fresh Air with Terry Gross this afternoon. I found the interview to be quite chilling. Margulies is a civil rights lawyer and he spoke about trying to represent a client held at Gitmo. Every American needs to listen to this interview here. I wrote about Guantanamo a few days ago but the news I heard from this man was even worse than anything I'd known before. The fact that America can kidnap people, render them to another country for torture, then use those "confessions" to further torture them is so obscene there are no words to express my outrage. Sure these things were in the news and I've known we were doing them but hearing the actual details was shocking. Heck, just knowing the generalities was shocking, which is why I wrote the piece.

Go listen to the interview then send the link to everyone you know.