The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

DailyKos/MyDD Controversy Ignites

Earlier this week I posted an article about founder Jerome Armstrong. It detailed allegations against him made by the SEC. This has been gaining momentum because of his close working relationship with owner Markos Moulitsas Zuniga. A number of people have pointed out the similarities between what Armstrong did with stocks and what he and Kos do with their blogs and consulting.

An article surfaced yesterday purporting to include an email sent by Kos to a small group of blogging insiders to keep the lid on the controversy by not writing about it. Now Kos reveals on his own blog that he did indeed write the memo. This simply seems to me to confirm the allegations written about why Mark Warner held such a huge and well attended bash at YearlyKos. Armstrong gets a consultant gig and Kos drums up support for that candidate at DailyKos.

Kos accuses other bloggers of using this controversy to undermine the progressive movement. He's wrong. It's all the unethical conduct going on by bloggers who should know better that's undermining the movement. It's leaders like Markos who are so willing to sell out women's rights for short term expediency that's undermining the movement.