The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Voting Rights Acts

WASHINGTON - House GOP leaders on Wednesday postponed
the renewal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act under objections from Southern
Republicans who complained during a private meeting that the legislation
unfairly singles out their states for federal oversight, a leadership aide said.

Now why in the world do the Southern Republicans think they are being "unfairly" singled out?

Why would ANYONE want to NOT renew the law that ensures all eligible people are permitted to vote?

Well lets see....does anyone remember how people of color were intimidated and coerced into not voting before this act...I do? It still happens today in many of the southern states where oversight exists. How bad will it get if the oversight goes away? Likely it will get VERY bad.

Could it be that many African Americans tend to vote Democratic? Well Duh....

This is a shameful political ploy that will allow unscrupulous county and state officials to take advantage of voters who may not know their rights under the law no matter what the color of their skin.

The southern states are singled out, but not "unfairly". Trust is earned, not bestowed. The southern states treated people badly and we still hear about voters being told they can't vote or their not eligible and clearly it's not true. In my opinion, trust has not yet been earned.

If you want to make the act better then apply federal oversight to ALL states, that would be better then removing the oversight provision all together.

Republicans in Congress should be ashamed of themselves and the country should be ashamed of them and tell them so.

Perhaps next they roll back women's right to vote too.
