The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Random Thoughts

Insurgents kill another lawyer for Saddam. Hmmm, what was it I was saying about that trial the other day? Iraq has no legitimate legal system when security is so bad that defendant's lawyers are assassinated regularly. There's no way this can be considered a fair trial. Saddam was too evil and killed too many people to try in a sham system. He should have been turned over to the International Criminal Court.

The U.S. has activated it's Missile Defense system in anticipation of North Korea's imminent test of a ballisitc missile. We've spent over $40 billion on this system but it's reliability is far from certain. In testing we can't seem to be able to consistently shoot down test missiles. Remember, we knew what missiles these were, when we were firing them, and where, and failed anyway. How do we expect this to work?

It seems President Bush desecrated American flags this morning. Asked to autograph the flags the President proceeded to do so. What's the proposed penalty for doing this? reports another AT&T domestic spying center discovered in St. Louis. This one intercepts your internet communications. Can someone say Big Brother? Welcome to "1984" folks. How much more of this illegal spying has to be uncovered before the average American becomes outraged? Answer: Until there's a Democrat in the Oval Office and the Republicans realize it could be them getting spied upon.