The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

News and Notes

I'm back. We had family in for the weekend so I haven't had time to blog. I'll catch up this evening.

Now that Bill Gates is going to retire from Microsoft will this mean their products might actually work???

Is summer finally coming to Pennsylvania? The nice hot weather is finally making an appearance. Hopefully the water will begin warming up.

I read some speculation that Bush might pardon Scooter Libby. Now wouldn't that be a PR nightmare? First he says anyone connected to leaking that national security info would be dismissed. If he turns around and pardons Libby how low will his poll numbers go?

There were lots of media stories last week about the bloggers convention in Vegas. How many articles repeated the mantra that candidates backed by the blogosphere were 0-20? Then Jon Tester and Jim Webb turned around and both won. What these pundits missed is that bloggers backed some serious underdogs in heavily Republican districts and made them competitive. These wound up being nail biters instead of routs forcing the GOP to expend a lot of resources and money they otherwise would have used in swing districts.