The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bush's Obsession With Secrecy

I haven't seen such a secrets obsessed Administration like this since Nixon. Of course Richard Nixon had a lot to try to keep secret. Maybe that's what makes me so suspicious about this whole obsession George W. Bush has with secrecy. He has classified so much more than anyone else it makes me wonder what he's trying to hide. Now Bush is classifying information about the nuclear arsenal that we even gave to Brezhnev.

I understand that in this new era of organized terror it may not be smart to advertise the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of nuclear power plants, chemical plants, biological labs, and such, but things are being hidden that don't make sense. A lot of FOIA documents are being withheld and/or blacked out. The process alone for getting public documents through the Freedom of Information Act has been made hugely difficult and time consuming. Bush simply is ignoring the law on this and withholding information.

Remember the Cheney Energy task Force and the battle to keep that secret? We still don't know who sat on that board and drafted the energy bill which gave billions of tax dollars to the bankrupt oil companies. What's that, you say the oil companies aren't broke? Darn it, why then did we give them $14B? We'll never know and that's the point.

There really isn't a valid reason to classify the information on the nuclear stockpile. We should know what's going on with these weapons of mass destruction. Bush has made wmd's a major issue and Americans should understand everything about ours. The fact is Bush wants to expand our nuclear arsenal with a bunker buster, first strike nuke. I worry if we're already building it and maybe this is why he's classifying the information. If he's building a first strike nuke I think we should know.