The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bush Caught Lying About Torture

Read this article about a Canadian citizen American authorities simply took and sent to Syria for torture. This was based on nothing more than another agency's suspicions. This explains why we're so against the destruction of the rule of law and the shredding of the Bill of Rights. What's to keep the FBI or Secret Service (SS) from whisking you or your family members off the street and on to similar treatment?

The proposed new legislation would mean you'd never even know what happened to your son or daughter or spouse. No right to counsel and no due process. Tortured and then tried before a military tribunal without even knowing what evidence was used for your conviction.

If there's no standard of probable cause and no right to a fair trail that neighbor who doesn't like you could simply call the Fibbies and turn you in. Poof, you disappear. It all reminds me of Germany in the 1930's. I'm not worried about myself, heck I'm already on their lists. What if someone turns you in? Think about that before you fling this nation over the cliff.

The other thing this article does is substantiate that yes, we have engaged in torture. Alright we allowed the Syrians to do the actual deeds, but we were as complicit in the crime as they. An accessory to murder and torture is as guilty as the perpetrator. We sent these prisoners to Syria, Egypt, Uzbekistan and other pleasant locales expressly so they could be tortured. It was referred to as "extraordinary rendition" and was commonly known to be happening.

George Bush can stand up and lie all he wants that we didn't torture anyone but the victims are living proof. Well, some of them are. Some died.

It IS possible to protect this country without becoming terrorists ourselves.