The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Child Custody Protection Act

The GOP wingnuts are really busy in Washington. With only five weeks of real session left (excluding break time) Congress is dealing with the most important issues of our time. Iraq? No. Iran? No. North Korea? No. The Middle east war? No. The federal deficit? No. Universal health care? No. All the real issues are being ignored while they deal with flag burning, gay marriage, the pledge of allegiance and restricting abortion rights. This truly is the "Do Nothing Congress." What's more, when they do something it'll usually bad. Take the bankruptcy bill. Please, someone take it! That one gave billions to the banking industry. How about the energy act that gave billions to the oil industry? Or the tax cuts for the very rich? Then there's the death tax that some call the Paris Hilton Welfare Act.

The Child Custody Protection Act being considered right now wouldmake it a crime to transport a minor across state lines to get an abortion. Let's remember that abortion is legal. Let's also remember how many children are abused by predators, relatives, rapists, and even fathers? This bill would prevent a 14 year old girl with a single parent, being sexually abused by that father, access to a legal abortion. Anyone taking her to a clinic outside her state would be a criminal. Let's also remember how few clinics there are in many states. South Dakota and Mississippi, for example, only have a single clinic for their entire states.

This is a very bad bill and is very bad for our children. Contact Senator Arlen Specter immediately and insist he stand up for our children.
