The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Joe Pitts Votes Against Religious Tolerance

Congressman Joe Pitts (PA-16) celebrated his vote against religious tolerance by issuing the following press release:

Washington - Congressman Joe Pitts (R, PA-16) today voted in favor of H.R.
2389, The Pledge Protection Act of 2005. This legislation prevents activist
federal judges from denying citizens the right to recite the Pledge of
Allegiance. It passed in the House today by a vote of 260-167.
"Millions of Americans were rightfully outraged when a court in California
ruled that the phrase 'under God' renders our nation's Pledge of Allegiance
unconstitutional." Congressman Pitts said. "Today, Congress responded to
this public outcry by passing important legislation protecting our Pledge
and the right of Americans to recite it publicly."


H.R. 2389, the Pledge Protection Act, gives state courts the authority to
rule on the constitutionality of the Pledge for their state only. This will
prevent activist federal judges from ruling on the constitutionality of the
Pledge for the citizens of states hundreds of miles away.

Our constitution prohibits the government from endorsing any religeon. This country was founded by pioneers who braved treacherous seas in rickety ships to flee religious persecution. The Pilgrims, Quakers, Anabaptists, and others all fled Europe to escape exactly this sort of government. One of our founding precepts, as a country, is to protect everyone's right to worship as they see fit, or NOT to. Even atheists and agnostics are protected and have constitutional rights.

I know people who are atheists and have no religious beliefs. This act discriminates against their constitutional rights. It pains me to see extremists like Joe Pitts tromp all over these rights then trumpet those votes in press releases. Shame on you Joe Pitts.

Joe Pitts has very little regard for pledges, however, so this vote is immensely hypocritical. What happened to his pledge to abide by term limits? When Pitts first ran in 1996 he pledged to only serve through 2006. Ask Joe Pitts why he has such little regard for his own pledges.

Meanwhile go give Lois Herr some more cash so she can get this message out to the good people of the 16th CD.