The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

George Allen Campaign Imploding

We covered the infamous "macaca flap" that Sen. George Allen of Virginia caught himself in last week. To get you caught up, the Senator used a racial slur against a young volunteer tracking his campaign for his opponent. Very unwisely he said this while the man was videotaping the comments. It all wound up on and then all over everywhere. Now new polls are shwing a 16 point swing in the race. Allen has lost 8 points and Jim Webb has picked up 8 points, making the race competitive.

In the new media age every candidate better be very careful what they say at every stop. Anyone with a video camera or phone can tape you, upload the spot to YouTube and have everyone watching. Campaign staffs should also stock up on No Doz. Sen. Conrad Burns of Montana got caught nodding off the other day and that video is all over the place. Face it folks, we all get heavy schedules sometimes and wind up short on sleep. I feel for this guy (even though he's a jerk Senator) because at least he had a legitimate reason to be tired. But keep that No Doz handy. Frequent trips to Starbucks for triple cappucino is another solution.