Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Bill Mackey, running against Dave Argall in Schuylkill and Berks (124th), appeared outside a "legislative breakfast" hosted by Rep. Argall yesterday in Orwigsburg. Bill appeared along with Gene Stilp's mini pink pig to protest Argall's vote for last year's infamous pay raise. Mr. Argall also didn't return the funds he received to the state treasury.
What's very interesting is who paid for this event. Here we are high in campaign season and Dave Argall is doing these breakfasts all over the district at YOUR expense. Yes, that's right, you, the taxpayer are footing the bill for all the coffee and doughnuts. These are being paid for by the House legislative slush fund. I believe there's somewhere around $135 million in these accounts and no one is accountable for the way the money is spent.
There are no audits or any oversight of this taxpayer spending by incumbents. Not even the state Auditor General can look at the books. If you think Argall's use of this money to fund these events isn't political you're putting lipstick on a pig. A pink pig in fact. It's time for Dave Argall to begin using campaign funds for what we all understand are campaign events. This is one more abuse of the taxpayers and one more example of why we need reform and change in Harrisburg.
The next time you see Dave Argall give him some pink lipstick and tell him to continue trying to put lipstick on the pig. Of course you know who the pig really is and won't be fooled.
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