The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What? Me Worry?

Reporters and bloggers across Pennsylvania have been reporting on Rick Sanitorium's blow up last week-end at Brett Lieberman. He's a reporter for the Harrisburg Patriot news and covers national stories from Washington D.C. He's been reporting on the Senate race from early on and has the temerity to write that Casey won the debate on Meet the Press.

That didn't sit well with Tricky Ricky who acted like a none year old when he laid eyes on Lieberman at the Republican State Committee meeting.

You know, I've been known to write a few things, hmm, let's say, maybe critical, of our Senator. Only a few pieces, mind you (per day). Another blogger wondered if perhaps I should start getting worried in case I, perchance, might encounter Santorum. (Only possible, I believe, if I'm visiting my niece in Leesburg).

Why would people believe I've been critical of Rick Santorum? What could I, little old me, could possibly have done that he might get ticked at (I'd list the links but they're way, way, too many). After all, the logic goes, if he got this mad at Brett Lieberman for ONE article what's in store for me and the 2 Political Junkies? Maybe this explains his desire to allow torture?

I've only spent the past 21 months doing everything I can to make sure this wingnut doesn't get re-elected. From managing Chuck Pennacchio's campaign to blogging at Kos to flogging him here incessantly (there's just SOOO much material to work with about Rick), maybe I need to look into getting a bodyguard?

What? Me worry? About Tricky Ricky? Nah. Now, those goons who follow him around and rough up anyone who disapproves of their guy, them I worry about. I have a strategy to deal with them though. I'll just smile at those young men and announce (very loudly) how they didn't feel that way in my hotel room the previous night.... That should neutralize the bastards.