The Pennsylvania Progressive

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Casey Set to Launch Ads

Since Democratic challenger Bob Casey has decided to run "a media campaign," it's about time they started and they will Thursday. After test marketing some television spots in Pittsburgh they are rolling out a small, $300,000 ad campaign this week.

Now a $300,000 ad campaign can be very effective if you do it properly. By using cable networks and systems like Comcast you can get your ads directly to those viewers you want. For example an ad about women's issues (oh wait Casey is awful on women's issues) can run on Lifetime. An ad about gay rights (oops, he isn't good on that either) can run on Logo. An advertisement targeting those security Moms (gee, has he come out against this war yet?) can run on the cable news networks, one about Medicare and Social Security on networks with high senior viewership. You can get a lot of bang for your buck if you do it properly.

Since Casey refuses to organize a field campaign using grassroots volunteers to canvass, phone bank and do other direct voter contact, the media is his choice. He'll do or die by how successful they are getting their message to voters. I'm interested, with my marketing background, to see how well they do. I must say I haven't been impressed by much they've done thus far. They wasted an entire primary season refining their message and doing voter contact and now it's catching up to them with numerous mistakes.